Education & Degrees
Learn Project Management Skills and add a valuable credential to your resume in just 8 weeks with Boston University's PMI certified Project Management Certificates Online via The College Network. Fundamentals to PMP Prep-100% Online, Anywhere, 24/7. |
Add an Ivy League education to your resume in as little as 8 weeks with eCornell Online. Certificates in HR, Strategic or Financial Management, Executive Leadership, Proactive Leadership, Business Leadership, Hospitality or Foodservice Mgmt. 100% online via The College Network. Ivy League Excellence - Online Convenience! |
Bachelor's, Master's Degrees; Certificates Online at ½ the cost with No Classroom Attendance from accredited universities like Ivy-League Cornell University, Indiana, Indiana State, Regis, Bellevue and more via THE COLLEGE NETWORK. Use our comprehensive learning program to Test/CLEP out of up to 75% of your Bachelors degree! |
LPN to RN/BSN, RN to BSN, MSN or your MS or BS in Healthcare Administration from fully-accredited universities like Regis University, Indiana State University, Bellevue University, and more via The College Network. These accelerated programs allow you to earn your degree at your convenience at a fraction of the cost of most traditional programs. |