About NationJob Network

More Jobs in More Communities, Across the Nation
That is our goal. We are the number one community based job network in the U.S., and have 20 years experience connecting job seekers, employers, communities and industries. We work closely with local, regional and national employers, community leaders and chambers of commerce, vertical industry associations, local business associations & organizations, small business employers, executive and management recruiters, career-based advertisers, and career resources and service providers to offer the greatest value to all parties, focused on results through cost-effective collaboration, networking, and marketing. Explore our successful community job sites and industry job sites listing thousands of jobs across the nation, and sign up for PJ Scout to start testing your job search results.
NationJob, Inc. was founded by human resources and technology professionals with a straightforward goal: to save our clients money by helping them find qualified candidates with a minimum investment of time and effort. NationJob offers the personal service larger corporate web sites cannot match. We are a closely-held private company based in Des Moines, Iowa, and maintain personal relationships with community, industry, and company representatives all around the U.S. Our integrated network of relationships and web sites offer a tremendous amount of value to everyone involved in the NationJob Network, and is further supported by our targeted advertising, community & industry event marketing, online & search marketing, opt-in email marketing, community / industry / employer programs and resources, and of course PJ Scout and job seeker tools and resources. NationJob is consistently ranked among the top employment sites on the web, and PJ Scout has become one of the most widely recognized names in the job search market. PJ is proud to serve hundreds of thousands of job seekers across the country by searching, matching, and sending new job listings that match their unique job searches.
NationJob's value-added services include a network of Industry Job Sites promoting jobs in specific employment categories, Custom Job Sites and and Community Job Sites for individual companies and communities, cross-postings to other sites on the web, and PJ Scout, one of the best-known and most successful uses of push technology in the employment realm.
In addition to offering services directly to individual employers, NationJob's Community Job Network is the number one community-based Internet recruitment program in the U.S. NationJob's headquarters are located in Ankeny, Iowa.
Company Profile & History
Learn about the history of NationJob, Inc. and PJ Scout
NationJob in the Media
Press releases featuring NationJob, Inc. and PJ Scout
Industry Background
Read articles about the advantages of online job boards